McCafé Promotions!
I have gotten in on something over at my day job as McDonald's Crew. Our store sells McCafé specialty coffees and smoothies and has hired a new manager with responsibility to promote these coffees within the store. I will be working side by side with this operation, using characters and resources provided by the DoC. This should bring in some much needed publicity for us all, in return for a small service to the McDonalds store that holds my employment. Depending on the success of this operation, we may take in this manager as a member, and bring about more connections for the members and readers to share in!
For now, this is Zero, signing off.
Pokémon TCG Florida State Champs
Yes, I have made peace that I am a 21 year old man who plays Pokémon. I wrote a whole article about the positive aspects of the gaming community and how it has provided entire families with a unique bonding experience.
Anyways, State Champs tournament, hosted this year by the Currys at Cocoa Beach on 2009.03.21 should prove to be some hot competition. About this time last year, there were 3 main deck strategies that took tournaments by storm, all the way through world championships. However, this year there seem to be so many more possibilities for unique strategies, as each of them so far has had its share of weaknesses and don't unjustly break the format for almost every other deck. I personally have taken a liking to a deck i built in November, that takes one of the big hitters from the Stormfront series in combination with hit-and-run tactics to boot. So far, my deck, and its copy built by a friend of mine have made top cuts after swiss rounds in City Champs at almost each tournament it was played in.
For now, this is Zero, signing off.
Opening Statements
Ok, so currently i'm the one working on primary functions of this website, and of our publications. But there's no way I could do this without the support of my friends in the guild. They write the stories, and bring in connections for the ads you see, so I will do my best to keep everything going smoothly for our projects.
I guess that in a way puts me at the head of the Descendants of Chaos, but honestly I hate management/leadership roles. I prefer more of a partnership, which more accurately portrays the nature of our purpses. As a partnership, we are a pretty closed group to members. This isn't a collective of each and every person with ambitions or backgrounds, but rather a gathering of friends to have fun with a hobby: entertaining the public.
For now, this is Zero, signing off.