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Descendants of Chaos

News Feed


Pokémon D.o.C. Online Gyms

Coming soon is a special set of online challenges for Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum players. We will arrange 8 specialty gyms in our network of the D.o.C. and provide details of open challenges for you to take on over Nintendo WiFi. Our Pokemon D.o.C. League will be linked via banner below our affiliation section.

Updates, Contest, and Machinima

I understand we have not been adding as much as I'd like to see lately, and will be holding a meeting with all of the DoC to bring together some new articles.

I also realize that nobody has entered the Epic Fail contest last month, so that's another $5 that nobody could lay claim to.

If there is any positive notes tonight, it is this: We will be coordinating some slightly different work and begin production of a small Machinima series using the World of Warcraft engine. For those of you unfamiliar with Machinima, it is essentially animation that uses a game's constructed characters and engine as the basis of a scripted plot, music video, etc. Such popular names of other machinima includes, but is not limited to, Red VS Blue, Nyhm, Chronicle of the Annoying Quest, and Oxhorn's Short Shorts.

Our machinima, based in WoW setting, will be written by some of our youngest members while I handle editing and sound, and when we know of any kind of release date, you fans that join our mailing lists will be the first to know.

Fail Fail Fail!

May I have your attention please? May I have your attention please? Will the D.o.C. fans please speak up? We're gonna have a problem here.

This is two months in a row that we get no response for our Epic Fail contests. Details are available HERE, so crank up your memory and get something out of your embarrassing Epic Failures!

Random Posts from JACON '09 Endgame

We decided to create a little spam to entice you all by adding this bit of randomness, coming from the patrons of Jacon 2009 Endgame! See the action HERE.

First Epic Fail Winner

Congratulations to Jeremy Vigil for winning the Epic Fail in the month of April! Find his failure HERE. You can win too! just send us your Epic Fail to ""

Current Projects

Storyboards are in process for a new "Power" animation, utilizing an array of Curtis's classic characters from high school, along with never before seen mecha and monsters, ready to clash in a brutal fight to determine who will reign supreme. Cateis will face off with Waaraz in this first instalment, raging their way through a rippling vortex as rage consumes their minds!
Not sure how many instalments will take place, but once they are all complete a full version of the movie will be available for viewing online at a location that is currently uncertain.

We will also be running a small promotional campaign of McCafé work, promoting sales for certain McDonald's specialty coffee and smoothies. Included is a new mini robot character we dub Mr. Spressah, who will appear with several of our characters behind the scenes of the fight studio.

DoC Mag is now Site Based

Our publication will be halted, due to lack of monetary resources. However we will still be running our Epic Fail contests right here on the website, as well as posting up any and all interesting articles and projects we come up with, just to see how badly we can disturb you.

Just kidding, we're just here to entertain you!

Web Launch!

Finally, the Descendants of Chaos bring you a website worth your viewing.

D.o.C. Mag Now Released

We have finally released our first issue in February, 2009. To recieve a copy, contact us directly through email. Each issue we print will contain the Epic Fail contest and a few articles that may induce thought and/or laughter. "" serves as our nexus to communicate with you, the masses, for letters about our publication, orders, and Epic Fail contest entries.

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