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Descendants of Chaos

End the Injustice! by Curtis

It has been a practice that has gone without notice for decades, ever since gamers began to arise among our numbers in this human race. I speak of course of the age old issue of persecution, a practice that has plagued people based on race, size, gender, etc. Most of these have been pretty much ended with laws regarding employment opportunities for varieties of people, but many people are still oppressed in their social lives. Be it at work, school, or around friends who see things differently, people hide certain things about themselves because of the misconception of the masses.

Under normal circumstances, this issue would have been so minor that it would have required no real intervention. But when prejudice against these people reaches the point of affecting innocent people, the facts will be brought to light. If people so honestly believe that Dungeons and Dragon players are associated with devil worship that they should refuse thousands in donation money for hungry children, we have a problem.

Other irrational comments have been made about several different groups, such as the Pokémon Trading Card Game League being a simple kids’ game, or calling the adult players future child molesters. But in all actuality, these are examples of games that families and friends grow up on. Many of these groups that play become good friends and find new ways to express creativity within their campaigns of role playing adventures.

One must note that the Pokémon TCG league is a worldwide organization with tournaments to test people’s skill and creativity in all age groups. With three different age divisions, players are never outmatched simply because of experience or money. The real test of the game is not in just putting down some silly little monster cards, but rather using the cards to strategically manipulate the playing field. This massive strategy that people say is just a simple children’s game uses more strategy that those children are often able to grasp on their own.

The Scifi City League of Orlando is only one example of these groups. The players here consist of families and friends. They have grown to be close friends both inside and outside of the game, and do the same things that anyone else does. They go to movies and clubs, and have small parties at home.

Everyone finds some way to participate in events. While some play and others judge, other family members who do not play the game with the rest will often volunteer their services to the tournament organizers. There are even gamers who bring a Pokémon game for their game system as they have less interest in the cards, but are always welcomed to any of the events with the rest of the players.

Leagues are run by devoted individuals who offer their time at events to assist new players. They keep check on players so that everyone is conducting themselves fairly and with good spirit. They explain as much as possible to both the new players, and, if needed, their parents as well.
If these groups of friends, families, leaders and volunteers are really just a group of some mindless, time wasting kids, then perhaps one should think of the alternatives. Without their minds occupied with strategies for winning tournaments and a common goal to make their way to world championships, they could be spending their time using drugs or getting random girls knocked up.

Considering the alternative troubles that gamers could be getting themselves into, we at the Descendants of Chaos hereby support what they choose to waste their time and money on.


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